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New Year, New You?

Updated: Jan 29

This time every year we typically find ourselves reflecting on the past year, and contemplating the year ahead. Many will think about what changes they will make, what goals they will set, and what they are looking forward to most in the coming year. Some make “resolutions”, and I’m sure we have all heard or said the phrase, “new year, new me!” a time or two.

This year I find myself pondering why we may sometimes feel the need to become a completely different person, or make so many changes to who we are when a new year rolls around. Why is it that a new year places this expectation, need, or desire in us to overhaul our life?

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Everywhere we turn this time of year we see ads for gym memberships, workout apps, new diets or supplements to make us “skinny” and healthy, and many other types of products or programs to create a “new you”. Many conversations this time of year revolve around resolutions for the upcoming year. 

All of these things can make it easy to feel like we “need” to change something about ourselves, or like we aren’t ok just the way we are. All of this can cause us to focus on the negative or challenging things in life instead of all that we have to be thankful for or proud of. 

These days I’m all about noticing how things make me feel. If it’s a situation, person, or belief that doesn’t make me feel good then I am letting it go. This belief that we should become a “new” person in the new year isn’t one that makes me feel good, so I’m deleting this phrase from my vocabulary and unsubscribing from the idea that who I am right in this moment isn’t good enough. 

What if we were to believe, instead, that we are fabulous just the way we are? What if we choose to see how this past year has shaped and molded us even more, and how we overcame many things that we thought would break us? What if we look back in gratitude at the past year, and all of the small miracles or big wins that took place in our lives? It’s ok to look back at our lives and lessons over the past year, instead of being so quick to look ahead and make changes. It’s ok to pause and to be grateful for all that you are, and to not become immersed in the pressure of becoming a “new you” this time of year.

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I’m not saying we shouldn’t have goals or better ourselves. By all means, set goals and crush them! Start a new hobby or look into new interests. Find things you love to do and people you love to do them with. Learn new things about yourself. Focus on health (not weight or size).

What I AM saying is to do away with this notion of becoming a “new you” or totally new person. Instead, maybe focus on becoming the best version of yourself you can be, while valuing and loving who you already are. Learning about yourself and committing to self growth have no time limit or start date. It’s a continual process. One that is exciting and can be enjoyed any day of the year.

I like to think of our lives like a canvas painting. Each brush stroke adds color, depth, dimension, mystery, etc. to the whole picture of who we are. We are continually adding layers and “brush strokes” that add to who we are and what we offer to the world. And the thing about art is that it can be interpreted in many different ways by individuals, and appreciated by some and not others. Such is life. You may not be someones favorite work of art or be understood by some…but you are still a work of art and invaluable to so many. Maybe you don’t need to change, or erase, anything about yourself, but instead just add more color and layers to become the best version of yourself.

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My hope is that you aspire to be a kinder, healthier, and happier version of who you already are, in the new year and always. Know that you are enough, and on this earth for a purpose. No one is better at being you than YOU, and as you aspire to be the best version of you, take time to delight in who you already are in this moment.

With gratitude and love,



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